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Adopt A Street Clean Up Day
June 1, 2019 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am
YP has chosen to adopt a street as part of their community service to Greenville. We have committed to picking up litter for three years along 10th Street from Elm Street to Greenville Blvd on a quarterly basis.
Join us on Saturday June 1st at 10:30 to pick up trash along 10th Street for our 1st quarterly clean up day. We will meet at the corner of Elm St and 10th Street. We will have bags, gloves, and vests for you to use. Feel free to bring a friend! If we have enough volunteers; this will only take roughly an hour. We may even gather afterwards at a local eatery for coffee and breakfast for fellowship and networking.
It is not mandatory to RSVP but if you could, please email Ki****@gr**********.org if you are able to join us so we can track of how many volunteers we will have helping that morning.